Saturday, August 9, 2014

Will Obama Resign So That President Biden Could Then Pardon Him?

President Obama hates presiding. He doesn't seem to be attracted to work in any sense of the word and he is especially resistant to struggle. The give and take of what we usually think of as governance does not interest Barack Obama in the least. His cult-leader personality cannot tolerate the slightest disagreement.

Coupled with Barack Obama's aversion to opposition is his Creosotian hunger for adulation. Some observers call it a sickness or a personality disorder and I for one happen to think those pundits make some good points. We have never before witnessed a president so committed to fund-raising and the rock star treatment that exercise provides. Truth is, Candidate Obama has never stopped campaigning. He has never geared down his self-promotion rallies that started in 2007. A lame duck, low-approval president does not seem a likely barnstormer. Yet, the Hope and Change Review keeps right on playing to smaller, more select, more refined audiences.

The God Complex carries with it a contempt for rules and laws. There is some concern that Barack Obama will attempt a third presidential term by whatever means necessary--martial law, a new civil war, widespread terrorism. Whatever it takes. That sort of chatter used to sound like talk radio paranoia. But a president who dismisses multiple serious scandals as "phony" and who publicly claims "there is not a smidgen of corruption" as the Department of Justice conspicuously sidesteps investigations is capable of just about anything.

Despite Barack Obama's absurd sense of entitlement, reason might prevail. Advisers might see the White House being won by either the GOP or possibly worse for Obama, Hillary Clinton. The Republicans may or may not like Obama but the Clintons utterly despise the man. It would surprise no one if Hillary strived to earn some reform cred by mounting a few heads of wayward party members. Attorney General Cuccinelli or Attorney General Gowdy might offer a rosier future to former IRS and DOJ employees than would a friend of Hill and Bill. "Step aside, Mr. President, so that Joe can give you that blanket pardon."

The two-jet Obama Family loves the perks of the presidency and they would no doubt experience some difficulty adjusting to the lifestyle of the merely rich and famous. Of course, if the GOP takes The Senate the job might become intolerable for the president. After years of complaining about a do-nothing Congress, the Oval Office could be swamped with literally hundreds of bills that he will want to veto. Keep in mind, Harry Reid has eased the rules on cloture so the floodgates might open wide and wider. A president allergic to work and dissent might tell us that he is ready for bigger and better things. Huffington Post would then tell us Barack Obama was bored with the job because he is just too damn smart.

Should President Biden extend a blanket pardon it would be accompanied by vague references to national security. Perhaps our beloved ex-president was a little too zealous in his killing of Osama Bin Laden and his bountiful patriotism runneth over at other times in the noble defense of his country...Vice President Warren would nod and smile at all the right times.

A resignation will offer strategic advantages to the Obama Wing of the Democratic Party. Biden will be able to run with the enormous advantage incumbency provides. Elizabeth Warren will be introduced to a national audience. The Obama legacy will not be stained by impeachment proceedings or something even more serious. Most importantly, Barack Obama will still be a viable rainmaker unencumbered by convictions.

The Obama end game is intriguing. There are a lot of plates in the air. The normal, subdued passing of the torch is the only thing that would surprise me.

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