Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Senate Contract With America By Bruce Walker

Yesterday, I once more suggested a Contract With America but I did not provide any details beyond "Repeal Obamacare." Today, Bruce Walker at "American Thinker" provides some solid advice.

I will disagree with Mr. Walker that we should preserve popular elements of the ACA, specifically mandating insuring pre-existing conditions. That measure pretty well negates the very premise of insurance. But let us not now quibble.

Sites like "American Thinker" provide the leadership the Republican Party sorely lacks. Check this out.

What sorts of substantive bills might be guaranteed for a floor vote in this new Contract With America?  How about a vote to allow the Keystone Pipeline, something overwhelmingly popular with the American people?  How about allowing veterans to have a voucher for health care in the private sector instead of using the disgraceful Veterans Administration?

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