Thursday, June 19, 2014

There Goes The First Amendment

If we outlaw A, B, C or D because it is offensive (to whom? to what degree? on what grounds?) we have effectively eliminated the First Amendment.

Are not food items like pork and ham and bacon offensive to some religions? How about Aunt Jemima syrup? Notre Dame Fighting Irish?

Scanning talk radio, it seems that people miss the bigger issues surrounding the Redskin fiasco. Talk seems to focus on Dan Snyder, a Donald Sterling lite. Rich white guy meets good-hearted bureaucrats and just for today evil is defeated.

I did hear that local talk shows in Washington, DC, the Mecca of government meddling, the peasants are revolting. Yes, it is perfectly fine for Big Gov to meddle in the affairs of fly over fools but when they try to change the name of the local football team...That is the very definition of government overreach.

I wish Dan Snyder the best in his fight against the Patent Office thugs.

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