Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Michelle Malkin's "Culture of Corruption"

I am trying to read every credible book about Obama ("Dreams From My Father" has been discredited by David Maraniss so I see no point reading it.) I started with Michelle Malkin's "Culture of Corruption." At some point I pulled a Hillary and said "at this point, what difference does it make?"

Malkin's book should have done for politics what "The Jungle" did for meat packing. As far as I can tell, it has had no effect.

 Every day we are blindsided by a Redskin logo nullification or a terrorist swap or a ridiculous claim of lost emails. We as a people have accepted dishonesty as a matter of course. Not ironically, the greediest pigs in America are the ones who squeal loudest about other people's prosperity.

 Remember the infant days of the Obama Administration when it seemed that every appointee had some sort of tax problem? One could say the system worked to catch Tom Daschle and Bill Richardson (after years of malfeasance) but for every Nancy Killefer, a Timothy Geithner took root.

 Geithner, Michelle Robinson Obama, Franklin Raines, The Biden Gang...the list of shady characters grows with every turn of the page. Malkin lays down the truth and the truth is ugly.

 The 2009 version of "Culture of Corruption" served as an encyclopedia of sleaze. My understanding is that Malkin released a 2010 edition to include updates on what would become by far, the most corrupt administration in US history. I don't have the stamina to read both books. Cynicism would destroy me if I made such an effort.

 "Culture of Corruption" is a snapshot of hogs at a trough. It might be one of the best books ever ignored.

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

I don't think it's ignored deliberately. I just don't have the stomach to read about these people. I can't watch them TV. I just want them gone.