Sunday, June 29, 2014

Free The Aljazeera 3!!!

I do not apologize for watching Aljazeera. As other news outlets choose to abandon the third person narrative for chatter Aljazeera becomes the premier news agency by default. Sadly, Aljazeera too, is devoting more time to talk shows but they are not yet as inane as "Outnumbered" as formulaic as "The Five" nor as failingly unfunny as "Red Eye."

I would like to put the Fox-bashing aside for a minute but it is hard to do so. When they have exactly one Asian correspondent who reports on activity in North Korea from the same location that he covers a missing airplane (was it Bangkok?) one has to wonder just how firm a grasp they have on a story. Meantime, Aljazeera sends flesh and blood reporters to the far corner of the world to mine the news.

In the course of pursuing the story, three British Aljazeera journalists have been incarcerated by the Egyptian government. 177 days and counting. The full story is here. Judith Miller is the only Fox employee I know of who sacrificed her freedom to earn her journalistic cred. The rest of the pampered class seem to live in the Fox studio. Thank goodness  Qatar for Aljazeera.

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