Friday, April 11, 2014

'American Thinker' Addresses Voter Fraud

There are a few writers who tempt me to link to their every word. Thomas Sowell, Peter Schiff and Gary North come to mind. "American Thinker" has risen to a level where almost every day they have an article worth linking to.

Voter fraud is the independent variable in the fate of America. No issue is more important. Nothing is more crucial to the preservation of a constitutional republic. It all hinges on fair and accurate elections. Corrupt the electoral process and we have something other than America.

Read the following article by Matthew Vadum.

First, I am so sick of Republicans who refuse to acknowledge and fight voter fraud. Refusal to fight is tantamount to complicity. If not the GOP then some Tea Party or conservative group needs to address this matter.

Vadum hits the nail on the head. The left feels that voter fraud is perfectly acceptable. I have said before, this is not your father's Democratic Party. Like it or not, the party is being run by thugs and criminals who have no moral or legal constraints and nothing that resembles a conscience.

It's not just the Democratic leadership who are culpable. The rank and file, the donors, have placed their seals of approval on voter fraud. The Democratic Party is one vast Chicago sewer.

On most matters I am a moral relativist. I just am. On the matter of voter identification I am an absolute absolutist. If you advocate for voting without ID, you are advocating for voter fraud. You are complicit in voter fraud. The reason the laws were changed was to facilitate voter fraud. The vote without ID laws have fulfilled their intended purpose.

The problem with allowing a little bit of cheating is that cheating is open ended. An arms race ensues. If it's OK to steal legitimate votes, what is not OK?  Physical intimidation? Assault? Homicide?

Here's hoping Vadum opens our eyes.

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