Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We Could Use A Lady Like Kesha Rogers

Hoosierman has covered Keisha Rogers at a friendly blog.


Slate expresses the Dems' fear. Read the piece below and try not to laugh. There is genuine resentment and concern in the land of the clever.


The Dems have been hijacked by extremists. The result is that Larouchians now seem mainstream by comparison. The writer complains about an email he got from one of the L Boys.

Did any of you idiots who are trashing Kesha Rogers and Texas voters consider that maybe voters in Texas oppose Obama's Wall Street-directed policies, such as more bailouts for Wall Street, a law which forces Americans to buy PRIVATE insurance, defense of Bushite NSA spying, drone attacks and GITMO, and committing the U.S. to regime change?  Do you all believe the line that Obama wants to do what's right, but is held back by mean Republicans, such as FOX TV and the Tea Party?
What cowards!! A real, fighting Democrat, in the FDR tradition -- and there are still some of those left in Texas -- hates the corporate agenda of today's Wall Street Dems (ever hear of Ralph Yarborough, Jim Wright, Henry B. Gonzalez?). The disaster for the Dems in Texas is when they defend the indefensible, namely the Obama regime.

The above was written by a Larouchian but I share a lot of his sympathies. We might not agree on solutions but we can agree that this administration is by far the most corrupt in the history of the United States. The followers of Lyndon Larouche would be a big improvement.

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

Did you ever notice how off topics like this really get the hits? When I write about the Utica I always get more readers than the usual political stuff. The piece I wrote about Aubrey McClendon has gotten ( just checked ) 1534 hits.