Friday, March 21, 2014

Florida will release report on the shooting of Ibragim Todashev

According to the Boston Globe the Florida prosecutor who investigated the shooting of Ibragim Todashev will release the results of that investigation next Tuesday. It is the only outside investigation of the shooting. The FBI has yet to release its internal investigation 10 months after the shooting. In a January 9 AP story FBI Director James Comey said he was eagerly awaiting publication which suggests he is only a figurehead of a director or has a unique personal definition of the word eagerly. Supposedly the FBI report must be reviewed by the DOJ's infamously politicized Civil Rights Division so that Obama campaign donors have an opportunity to impart their political spin.
Critics will cite the FBI's slow response in this instance without acknowledging the bureau's rapid response in the case of Tea Party activist and True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht whom it managed to interview 6 times in the space of only a few months.

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