Sunday, March 23, 2014

'Daily Mail' Reports On Michelle Obama's Visit To China

This blog has been gentle with the Obama family in the belief that the children should be off-limits.  With that stated, it is hard to ignore the actions and inaction of Uncle Omar and Aunt Zeituni. It is hard to not compare and contrast the welfare of Malik Obama with the fate of George Obama. We have mostly overlooked the social ineptitude of the First Lady--except for her expensive tastes and the arrogance she displays when she takes not one, but two jets on vacation--because her previous $370k no-show job already paints the distilled essence of this woman's character. We already know who she is.

Now we suffer the complaints of the American press who were denied access to The First Family on their Road Trip To China. Boo hoo. You are left out in the cold even after the press corpse exercised a vow of silence on the common knowledge that The Obama Administration was using the IRS to influence the 2012 election. That was well known at least a year, maybe two years, before Lois Lerner made her public revelation in the Spring of 2013. After all of your displays of loyalty, you miss out on selfies from The Great Wall and Michelle's mom trying to feed herself with chop sticks? Where is the gratitude?

The British press is less inclined to take no for an answer. If they are not spoon fed a story, they will find their own damn story. That's how it used to be in America before the industry adopted the paint by numbers approach. It's always good to get the British perspective.

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