Friday, February 14, 2014

Is Anthropogenic Global Warming Possible And How Can We Make It Happen?

"The planet has a fever." Which planet? Mars? My planet is not so fortunate.

I am paying more for heat than ever. The pyramids do not seem all that impressive in light of all the snow I moved recently with my snow shovel. Yes, I do have a plow guy. But guess what? He is so swamped with work that he can't keep up with it. Why would that be?

Where are all those self-absorbed yuppies with their SUV's when we need them? Yes, the Obamas are doing their part, taking two jets on vacay but where are those Hollywood green warriors when we need them? Harrison For owns six jets but how many does he fly? If he could just warm the planet by one degree, my heating costs would plummet.

And if we could just get Babs to do more shopping in he Winnebago (using store toilets is de classe) maybe we could warm this frigid stone of a planet.

If Al Gore is listening, please crank up the lights in your kilowatt castle. We're freezing up here.

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