Monday, February 3, 2014

Great moments in political wussification. de Blasio drops the groundhog

Oh please. Normally I would just pass this off as the typical New Yorker's phobia of anything on four legs aside from a dog or cat but provincialism can only go so far in excusing de Blasio's social ineptitude. This guy is a first rate nebbish. It's evident in the video that this 6 foot five inch wuss is scared to death of the of the 6 or 8 pound woodchuck. Would you look at the big yellow gloves. Does he think he's fighting a rabid wolverine?
Keep in mind his honor ran on the issue of getting rid of the horse drawn carriages that operate in the area of Central Park. Why? Because it's cruel. The carriages have been operating there since the 1850's but it was not until de Blasio with his special insight into animal thinking determined that draught horses are unhappy. It's exploitation straight up.

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