Tuesday, January 28, 2014

RIP Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger is dead at 94. He was the father of the folk movement but he was more than that. He was a fixture of the political left back when the left had something to say. He was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s owing to his membership in the American Communist Party. He stood for principle when standing for principle had consequences. He was black listed in the entertainment industry and indicted for contempt of congress but he never lost his poise. He was above all else a perfect gentleman. He will be missed.

You may read his obit here.

1 comment:

BOSurvivor said...

I am sorry to hear of his death. He was a great entertainer with a hypnotic voice that somehow resonated good cheer even when he sang about hard times and injustice. Seeger was, I believe, a good man.