Saturday, August 17, 2013

Insert Silly Pun Here: Breast Implant Bombs

About five years ago, a Massachusetts politician was caught stuffing graft moolah into her bra. Howie Carr's callers spent a full hour saturating the air waves with breast puns. It was tiresome and yet it was amazing how yet another caller could come up with yet one more war chest kind of reference. If you missed it, oh well.

Fast forward and Howie's one time radio rival, Jay Severin breaks the story that Pakistani doctors were flocking to England to study the arcane practice of breast implantation. Severin could be a bit speculative and he surmised that doctors' motives were to implant bombs internally. A few years later, Severin seems to have been right after all.

Just because I spared you the puns does not mean Pamela Gellar will do the same.

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