Sunday, August 25, 2013

As Bad As The Economy Is, There Is Hope If...

We remove the impediments and disincentives from domestic oil production.

Yes, the J. R. Ewings will prosper. So too, will rural America and men who sweat when they work and prefer Silverados to Volts (go figure.)  Red states might fare better than blue states--but that too, could change--and the unwashed bitter clinger types might prosper. Giant sigh.

As good as domestic fossil fuel production could be for the producers, it could also re-establish USA as the manufacturing king of Planet Earth. Energy costs would be cheaper here than say, China or India or Japan. There would be a boom in things like drills and trucks and containers and all things associated with production.

 If pipelines were constructed the components would be made in the good old USA. So too, would train cars and big diesel trucks.

And let us not forget the myriad of products made from petroleum. Plastic, nylon and other materials could be created here cheaper than it would cost ANY country that had to import its oil.

The ripple effect of cheap, abundant energy is mind-boggling. America could have a renaissance like nothing the world has witnessed. Let us hope for change.


Hoosierman said...

I did a post a year or so ago on the recovery of youngstown,oh. A french owned company had opened part of a shutdown steel mill to manufacture drill tubing. They expect to sell all of their output in a 100 mile radius. did you see my post on aubry mcClendon america's, most reckless billionaire? he said the utica was the greatest thing for ohio since the plow.

BOSurvivor said...

I do remember your post about Youngstown's revival. I also enjoyed the Aubrey McClendon post. I'll go out on a limb and wager that McClendon will deliver more energy (by any unit of measure) than even Solyndra.