Saturday, July 20, 2013

"You Just Don't Like Him!" Waaaa

I do get frustrated with overgrown adolescents and their Youtube values whose superficiality limits them to like or dislike anything and everything. "You just don't like Obama," implies that we are incapable of judging people's actions. Yes, the dislike accusation arrives with an insinuation of racism. What other possible reason could explain one's disapproval of someone so incredibly awesome?

As previously stated, I found Barack Obama to be likable six years ago but likability is moot. Things like abuses of power, criminal behavior, chronic duplicity, constant falsity, $7 trillion in new debt, a stagnant economy, and a general ineptitude in all things administrative should weigh just as heavily in a president's evaluation than the number of celebrity friendships he has procured.

Yes, the sleaze factor and overall job performance should tilt the scales. Pardon my idealism, but those things should be considered as high as likability. But with that said, I don't see how anyone could like Barack Obama in any sense of the word. I see a cheesy, phony, audacious boor.

The latest "I am Trayvon" spiel is in bad taste because it uses a dead teenager for political gain but it's also a stretch to say that Barry Soetoro weathered the slings and arrows of racial discrimination. Insert giant groan here. Barry, the poster child for racial intolerance, takes the battle to Martha's Vineyard. He will be down for the struggle on the back nine. He will be down for the struggle in the clubhouse. He will be down for the struggle on the warm, sandy beaches. It's as if Trayvon himself has flown to Martha's Vineyard.

The portrait of the president as a young man reveals an honest shopper pursued by store detectives. Join the club, pal. Store detectives do that sort of thing. I too, a fat, pasty white man, have been profiled. (Then again, the store detectives might have thought I was one of those Tsarnaevs in which case they would have had probable cause.) That's life, poster child.

Oh, and women clutched their handbags when Barry entered an elevator. Maybe they were taxpayers in which case their instincts were good. Maybe the handbag in question contained an insurance card for a health plan that was appreciated. Doubly good instincts.

I used to have a gym membership at a fancy hotel that opened its facilities to the general public. I was generally clean cut but I underdressed a bit. For whatever reason the hotel security, at least those who were not familiar with my face, would view me with suspicion. Imagine the hurt and pain and sorrow when these mean security guards asked me "Can I help you?" in a confrontational tone.

Of course I grew up on Al Jaffee's snappy answers to stupid questions and I would usually make a small request in a bad BBC accent that would go largely unappreciated by the creepy ass crackers. Oh the humanity!

The president cited examples of profiling that could not be more generic. Any lone male is viewed with suspicion as is any group of young males of any color. That's the world we live in.

Meanwhile, the left tries its darnedest to exploit "a tragedy and a travesty." The president should be above such shameful opportunism. To which his mindless followers respond, "You just don't like him!" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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