Sunday, July 7, 2013

I Plead The Third or If There Was A Non-Numerical Amendment, It Would Be Under Assault Too

When I was in high school I learned that the Third Amendment was the only amendment never contested in the courts. The Third Amendment prohibits the quartering of troops, by the way. As if life was not tough enough in those pre-plumbing times, imagine being told to make way Redcoats who bathe about once a year and who like to eye your daughters. Yes, I for one am pleased that we included the Third Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

The Third Amendment was used in 1982 in Appellate Court, Second Circuit. Prison guards were assigned housing as part of their compensation. When the correction officers went on strike, Governor Carey called out the National Guard and lodged them in the CO's homes.

It took our country over 200 years to contest the Third Amendment. Now it is being contested again in Henderson, Nevada. The police were once more heavy-handed in dealing with the unruly colonials but they at least spared the family dog's life this time. Of course, the mutt was shot with pepperball pellets but the gracious officers allowed him to live on.

What the hell happened to our country?

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