Monday, June 3, 2013

Richard Windsor to take position at Heartland Institute?

Legendary EPA employee Richard Windsor is reported to be considering taking a position with the Chicago based Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank long regarded as anathema by climate scientists. A spokesman for Heartland, speaking only on background denied the report saying while a high profile player such as Windsor would enhance any organization's media exposure Heartland was troubled by his lack of authenticity. " This guy is an empty suit who owes his entire existence to Lisa Jackson. He would be nothing without her."
Jackson, presently an environmental advisor to Apple, offered somewhat cryptic praise of Windsor noting that the EPA certified Windsor as a “scholar of ethical behavior.” Furthermore the EPA reported he “satisfactorily competed the online email records management training”; took the 2010 “No FEAR Act Training Module”; and a completed a “Cybersecurity awareness training” course in 2011, where he scored 83 percent.
The White House adamantly stated that Windsor's name did not appear in its visitor log and he has never been considered for a position at the IRS. Furthermore it did not know if Windsor had an EBT card but such information would be protected by his right to privacy. President Obama knew him only through newspaper accounts, it added.
Windsor was not available for comment.


Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

Hmpf. RICHARD WINDSOR has already taken a position with Apple and I'm really really ticked about it, considering my long association. Do they have to ruin EVERYTHING?

Hoosierman said...

Do you know who her mentor was? Jon Corzine.eech!

BOSurvivor said...

Mr. Windsor is an empty suit? That term might actually inflate his essence.