Saturday, June 8, 2013

NSA Whistleblower; Gen David Petraeus Brought Down by Illegal Surveillance

The central government defines what's wrong. We have seen that theme consistently sustained by the IRS's targeting of Tea Party group, of pro life groups and pro Israel groups. A group or individual may be acting in a way that it perceives as perfectly innocent, even noble, but the government claims to be the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong. As the government's moral compass vacillates what was proper one day is verboten the next but the electronic record of what was said or written remains on NSA computers.
NSA whistleblower William Binney believes that General David Petraeus was brought down by illegal surveillance that revealed his adulterous affair.


BOSurvivor said...

What do we do when the wildest conspiracy theories are confirmed? Big Brother has emerged victorious!

William Binney is seeking justice in the courts but given the theater of the absurd ruling Chief Justice Roberts dumped on us in the individual mandate challenge, I have to entertain the idea that the administration has already stacked the deck.

Did Roberts get the same treatment Petraeus would later receive?

Hoosierman said...

The Times did try to open the records of his children's adoption.