Friday, June 14, 2013

Has Glenn Beck Jumped The Shark?

I respect Glenn Beck for his courage and his honesty. And I have to admit that I watched Fox News more when he was the evening lead off (Man, do I loathe the insipid, inane, contrived, predictable "The Five." We Want Beck!!!) And I certainly respect him for wanting to start his own news service from the ground up. But Glenn...

A couple of days ago Beck announced that within 24 hours he would have an announcement that would bring the power structure to its knees. The clock ran out and there was no announcement. Thanks for jerking us around, big guy.

After the April 15 Boston bombing Beck was going to release earth shattering information about a Saudi national who happened to be a student in Boston. The student was originally a person of interest but was cleared by the authorities. As I recall Beck did reveal a few degrees of separation between the Saudi national and some jihad advocates but the dots were never connected.

Years ago, Geraldo Rivera opened Al Capone's vault on prime time television. It was empty. Geraldo took some some ribbing for that one and he has laughed about it over the years. Significantly, Rivera never made claims that anything of supreme import was contained in the safe. He hyped the opening, the safe was opened and the results were anticlimactic.

Beck on the other hand, alludes to the known content that will be revealed right before your very eyes. And then he does not open the safe. Fool us once Glenn, shame on you. Fool us twice and you're still more honest and forthright than any member of the mainstream media but you ain't what you used to be.

Put up or shit up, Glenn.

1 comment:

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

I know, I know. In fact, I can barely listen to him when his voice lowers, he whispers into the microphone and he starts preaching about the end of the world which I, unfortunately, am afraid is near ANYWAY without having Glenn wax eloquent about it 3 hours a week day.

He's just been RIGHT so often, which really unnerves me. Well, I AM unnerved these days to begin with, so GB definitely doesn't help.

But I think he does get info from people unwilling to go thru traditional sources. I mean, HELL, would you ever imagine we are where we are now? Geez......

I can't talk all the negativity coming from conservatives these days. I believe I mentioned that in a blog post on my blog.
