Sunday, May 12, 2013

When Silence Is Deafening

I just sat through an hour of MSNBC news because I was curious how they would spin the IRS scandal. It was mentioned as the lead story but that story never materialized except as a brief scroll (or is it a chiron?) at the bottom of the page.

In that hour we learned that Ariel Castro is bad. OJ is seeking a new trial. Jodi Arias is on suicide watch and the death penalty should be reserved only for "heinous" crimes but that all murder is cruel. We learned that the Benghazi hearings are just more "be mean to Hillary" exercises. We saw excerpts of last night's "SNL" political spoof. In keeping with Mother's Day we saw a plug about two MSNBC employees who had written a book on  motherhood. Oh, and we learned that most adults would rather have an elderly mother move in with them than an elderly father. One of the sages did reveal that gender stereotyping is not entirely valid because her father left a smaller carbon footprint than her mother. But the IRS scandal...

In the entire hour, they never got around to the IRS scandal. Apparently the spinmeisters have not figured this one out just yet. Sometimes it's not what you say, it's what you don't say that reveals your essence. I don't think MSM wants to spend a lot of time on this particular subject.


Hoosierman said...

I'm afraid we'll never know but how would they handle Obama's impeachment?

BOSurvivor said...

A partisan attack on our first African-American president.