Saturday, May 18, 2013

Is This Still The Land Of The Free?

I guess shame isn't what it used to be. Watching the Ways and Means Committee hearings was a bit like hearing too many details of the Kermit Gosnell trial. It saddens, sickens, and offends decent people because the victims are decent people. Decent people who asked no more than to be allowed to voice their opinion on how their government is run are set upon not only by the IRS but an interagency gang of hooligans from the Dept of Labor, from the FBI, the ATF, and the EPA. The only consolation one can draw from this is there will be some great video fodder for campaign ads in the next election. Congressman Kevin Brady details the abuse inflicted upon one of his constituents.

Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania couldn't understand how two low level employees from Cincinnati could coordinate an agency wide reign of terror. His skepticism earned him applause from the spectators.

And since when is the content of one's prayer the business of the IRS? Is there anything that is not the business of Obama's police state praetorians?

From the other side of the aisle, the affable albeit corrupt Congressman Charlie Rangel calls it abuse.

 All this is dismissed by Miller as "horrible customer service".

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