Saturday, September 22, 2012

Axelrod vs. Gallup

Are there any true liberals left? A true liberal would spit out their Kool-Aid when the Feds passed a secretive health care bill. If they learned what's in the bill that would create 16,000 new IRS agents but zero doctors, a true liberal would put his finger down his throat to purge the Jonestown brew. If a true liberal learned that the Obama Administration used the IRS to harrass nascent political organizations, a true liberal would sever loyalties to the Chicago mob forever. If a true liberal learned that the Obama DOJ tried to intimidate Romney donors, they would denounce the most corrupt administration since Nixon's band of crooks (and when all is said and done, Tricky Dick might look good in comparison.)

Now we learn that pollsters are not immune from the thug-in-chief's henchmen.
Not content to control 90+ per cent of media coverage, Axelrod is trying hard to get the pollsters to fall in line. This is scary stuff.

For better or worse, Pollsters are a part of our political process. A candidate with bad numbers cannot raise funds. An unpopular candidate can still rake in the dough if his numbers are inflated. It is highly unethical, immoral and an abuse of power for the White House/DOJ to intimidate third party pollsters.

Can free elections survive Axelrod and Obama? Guess we will find out.

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