Tuesday, August 7, 2012


As I mentioned previously, I did not always dislike Obama on a personal level. But the arrogant, boorish, condescending personality who has emerged over time is hardly a charming figure. I am skeptical of Obama's so called likability.


Hoosierman said...

I'm skeptical of a lot of his polling numbers. Yes, we both know people who like him but I can't see a thing likeable about him or the bride. I would like to see what his numbers look like in Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and West Virginia. True those states were never going to be in his camp but southern Ohio and western Pennsylvania share some of the same energy issues and social values as do Kentucky and West Virginia. The same is true of Oklahoma and New Mexico. I do think he will poll well right up to his defeat.

BOSurvivor said...

I can't see Obama carrying New Hampshire. Yard signs don't vote but they are out early and often and they are placed in high traffic areas and they are frequently oversized and elevated.

Maine is up for grabs and I don't give a damn what anyone says, Romney might just carry his home state. Oh, and I read at teapartyatperrysburg that Connecticutt is tightening up.