Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome to Greece

Awaiting the words of the most conceited human being in history to address his serfs. ...Oh...he is on...

The King of Smug has spoken. Oddly, he used the word "I" less than expected. He did take the opportunity to chant his own horse shit talking points about CEO pay that has nothing to do with anything.

Interesting highlight. The emperor used the example of someone other than his own mother to illustrate the life and death abuses of the evil insurance companies. Might that be because the story he used to advance his political career has been revealed to be a giant falsehood? (Imagine a politician advancing a lie for the purpose of using his own mother as a political pawn!)

Someone said Rogberts et al, awakened a sleeping giant. I agree. The spirit of 2010 lives on!

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