Saturday, June 30, 2012

More On The Most Duplicitous Politician In American History.

"I will not raise taxes on middle class families"

"It's not a tax."

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

Lies. Lies. All lies. Should we be surprised? It would require a staff the size of a bowling team to chronicle all of Obama's lies. This guy is corrupt to his very essence.

But one lie stands out above all others. It would be unseemly to use one's deceased mother to advance one's political agenda. Of course, that is what Obama did. But when it is revealed that the narrative of Stanley Dunham suffering an untimely death at the hands of a greedy insurance turns out to be a giant whopper, we have to ask ourselves if we have a sociopath on our hands.

Even when this sleaziest of lies is exposed, Obama keeps right on going. This from "Commentary."

Last summer, a brief stir was caused when a book published by New York Times reporter Janny Scott uncovered an uncomfortable fact about President Obama: He had been lying about his mother’s health insurance problems. During the 2008 campaign and throughout the subsequent debate over his signature health care legislation, the president used his mother’s experience as a cancer patient fighting to get coverage to pay for treatment for what her insurer said was a pre-existing condition as an emotional argument to sway skeptics. But as Scott discovered during the course of writing her biography of Anne Dunham, A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother, it turned out that her correspondence showed that “the 1995 dispute concerned a Cigna disability insurance policy and that her actual health insurer had apparently reimbursed most of her medical expenses without argument.”

Lying is a moral flaw. Compulsive lying is indicative of a person suffering from substantial delusion. Can a person be both morally flawed and seriously delusional? Yes.

The following is from

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

A Sociopath
A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused - it is done to get one's way). Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others. Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways (see, lovefraud, for more on sociopaths).
Compulsive Liar
A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit - an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship (see, how to cope with a compulsive liar).
The terms Pathological Liar, Habitual Liar and Chronic Liar are often used to refer to a
Compulsive Liar
How ever you cut it, folks, we have a sick puppy on our hands.

1 comment:

FootballLunatic1959 said...

But Obama is a Black Man, so he gets virtually a free pass!