Saturday, March 10, 2012

What If Queen Elizabeth Had Lost Her Coronation?

Move along folks. No story here. Even Kareem blew a few dunks. The Republicans are crucifying women right down the street. Go there. Go. Go. Go. Nothing to see here.

Does the MSM ignore EVERY significant news story? So it seems. If not for teapartyatperrysburg and World Net Daily, I would not be aware that Candidate Obama is struggling to earn his party's nominatiion.

OK, struggle might be a stretch. But when an incumbent who runs unopposed or with only novelty/hobby candidate opposition, cannot collect 90% of the primary vote, there is a problem.

From WND article:

While the media attempts to portray Democratic voters as solidly supportive of Obama, in Oklahoma the president received just slightly over 50 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary.

In the other three states that held Democratic primaries, the president also faced difficulties. In Massachusetts, Tennessee and Missouri Obama only received 88 percent of the vote. These numbers are interesting in light of the fact in two of the states Obama was unopposed.

Am I the only blogger who detects a vulnerability?

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