Saturday, October 8, 2011

Want to Hear Me Complain? I Thought So.

I wish I could complain about work but HIPPA prohibits me from voicing meaningful grievances. And certain other people hit every exposed nerve but I will boldly chart the course of lesser resistance and remain mute. Still, I complain.

I have always been a complainer. Usually I complain about how much people annoy me, how tired I happen to be and how busy I happen to be. All legitimate complaints.

I started this blog as a temporary measure until I got my website going. Blogs are best utilized as appendices to web sites. They can be ends unto themselves but that was not my intention. The web site never developed. It is still in development as they say.

I started posting vids as a substitute for the news and commentary I had wanted to provide. More than 90% of my posts are vids. 10/90 became 90/10. There is always a logjam so it seems.

I am finally commenting on the death of Anwar al-Awlaki. While I am in partial agreement with or perhaps sympathetic to Ron Paul and Gary Johnson concerning American citizens executed without due process of law. And I agree with the pundits and experts who bemoan the loss of an intelligence resource (as with Bin Laden.)

But the story is more complicated than that. The CIA wasted Awlaki in part because they did not trust either the FBI or the Holder Justice Department. The FBI had a Bulger-style relationship with Awlaki. There are some loose ends that never been connected. And the Holder Justice Department can always be counted on to do the wrong thing. What else could the CIA do?

I plead guilty to moral relativism. Under the circumstances the CIA acted properly in executing the choreographer of numerous terrorist plots. I, for one, will save my tears for someone more deserving. A drone strike was possibly too quick and painless but let's not pick nit.

By the way, I love the CIA. Bye bye Awlaki. You were one creepy dude.

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