Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sarah Palin

I am saddened but not surprised that Sarah Palin has dropped out of the presidential race. The lesson here is never underestimate the mainstream media. I view every election as the peasants vs. the ruling class media. Sarah was our Joan of Arc and I think Saint Joan might have gotten off easy in comparison. The old media still matter and they will remind us of their import from time to time.

If Palin does not defend herself in a court of law I will lose all respect for her. Even successful litigation will be not restore her reputation. The elite can afford to pay tens of millions to make Palin go away. She could collect damages and it would be but a flea bite to an elephant. So yes, lawsuits might seem futile but she has to fight that fight anyway.

Paul Krassner stated "The truth is Silly Putty." The summary has never been more accurate or more relevant.

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