Saturday, June 4, 2011

When You Come To A Fork in The Road...Take it!

Who actually said all of those things attributed to Yogi Berra? I don't know. My understanding of Yogi is that if the quote did not contain a half dozen expletives, it probably originated with someone else. But I like the Yogi character, contrived or genuine.

I come to these forks in the road too often. Too busy to blog? Who the hell is too busy to blog? That's why you blog instead of producing a static website. Anyone can blog. What's your excuse?

It's rare that I ever lose interest in a subject. I am given to enthusiasms and they grab me. It seems that I always want to do a dozen things and it is hard for me to focus on any one thing. What works for me is to narrow my focus and concentrate on one venture at a time.

Of course, this one venture at a time idea involves a certain amount of waiting. Down time. And the voice that says "take the fork in the road" competes with Edison's advice to "hustle while you wait." Hmmm.

Oh and there is work. Mentally draining labor. Long commutes. I shouldn't complain but of course I do. I can grumble with the best of them.

Yes, I so want to get back into action. The events unfolding are monumental. We are seeing, umm how do we say it? A paradigm shift? An awakening? "Something is happening and you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?"

I will elaborate in my next post.

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