Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hoosier Hysteria

When a "right to work" bill was to be voted on 35 Indiana State Representative bolted the state and like all exiled legislators settled in Illinois. The bill was not part of Governor Mitch Daniels' agenda and he may have not wanted to fight that fight at this time so somehow the bill was pulled. One would expect cries of "victory", and a parade of triumphant Democrats, hugs, tears, cheers, honking horns, and high fives but no. Instead the exiled Democrats put forth a list of demands to be met before they would come home. Bear in mind they are the minority party. In essence, the minority demands that the majority abandon its radical legislative agenda. At the Urbana Comfort Suites they have formed their government in exile. One can only hope that they do not expect the decisions they make to be binding on the majority back home.

And just how radical is the Republican agenda? It is earth shaking. Earth shaking enough that one county school district (Warrick) sent home flyers with the students begging the parents to contact their state legislators which even when they are in state isn't always easy. Earth shaking enough that one county superintendent of schools wrote an editorial asking parents to do the same. Not to be left out of the of the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the Indiana State Teacher Association (ISTA) called for statewide rallies.
Viewing the high points of the radical agenda we see;
HB 1002 Charter School Expansion. Expands the Charter School Program and diverts money from the public schools to charter schools.
HB 1479 Private Takeover of Public Schools. Allows the state of Indiana to take over poorly performing schools and for these schools to be managed by for-profit companies. It removes local decision making in schools.
HB 1584 Public School Waiver of state laws. Allows school boards to seek waivers of almost any school law or regulation.
HB 1585 Right to work for Public Employees. Removes collective bargaining rights at the local level.
And the bill that would make Milton Friedman jump for joy and Albert Shanker slit his wrists is;
HB 1003 School Vouchers. This bill allow a family making up to $81,000 to receive a $4,000 voucher to any private or parochial school they choose.

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