Monday, November 22, 2010

Media Monday: Fox Pundits Bash Palin

This is priceless. For the record I have not seen and do not care to view Palin's TV show. The format of the show is not interesting to me. As much as I like her, Palin is becoming one more media hack.

Behold Judith Miller. She has a "NYT" pedigree and I read and appreciated "Germs." I honestly cannot remember the other panelists's names and it is not all that important. What is important is the innocence (or is naivete the better term?) of the ruling class. Their only reference point to anything and everything is what the other media elitists say about a topic. The media bubble.

I was going to use the title "Hacks Quoting Hacks About Hacks" but Palin is not a political hack (a media hack? that is another question.) Not yet anyway. She is a politically unorthodox player who might get the last laugh.


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