Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why We Vote: "Do As I Say..."

It gives me no comfort that some of my best friends and closest relatives are political fundamentalists. No comfort at all. It does sadden me that their minds are made up on all things political. They are waving the pennants for their favorite team. Facts be damned.

In this election, we are not battling foes who see things differently. We are battling foes who see absolutely nothing. The legal term for this "willful blindness." Their minds are made up on everything so don't ask them to read a book or even view a short video. They would rather chant "Hope and Change" and launch ad hominem charges of racism against all who do not follow their leaders.

On November 2, I will vote. I don't hold unreasonable ideals or expectations but I will be voting against American Elitism. I use the term American Elitism to describe our own peculiar expression of this ism. Yes, I uncategorically object to elitism, the idea that experts are better at running our lives than we are. But whatever alse one can say about the merits of defaulting to the judgments of an enlightened hierarchy, the waters get muddied when we acknowledge that American Elitism is based on many things except merit.

I will vote against an elitism premised on deception. Philosopher kings and European aristocrats will not be on the menu. We get to either reject elitism in its ugliest, most dysfunctional, most destructive manifestation or we sign on as followers of the biggest hypocrites Planet Earth has ever produced. We are not just rejecting cult leaders, we are rejecting the worst cult leaders in history.


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