Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Doldrums: Was the Tea Party Just a Dream?

Was the Tea Party just a dream? A fantasy? The first real grass roots movement that fizzled because Americans have the concentration span of goldfish?

Harry Reid has closed the gap with Sharon Angle. The Democrat shill has closed the gap against Rand Paul. Peter Schiff will likely lose in the primaries. Scott Brown has sold us out.

There is no way to soften that last observation.

From the above link:

Contrary to Barack Obama’s rhetoric about protecting consumers, his new financial reform law represents a dangerous big government power grab that willfully ignores the true roots of the recent financial crisis.

It is also the latest example of America’s “march to Marxism,” the not-so-gradual implementation of a command economic system in which the free market is taxed and regulated into oblivion while new and expanded government bureaucracies wield unprecedented power.

Brown sold us out on the very essence of freedom. But let's not belabor the point. There are other issues that deserve our attention.

Fact is, large numbers of Americans still love the pride of Indonesia. And if they aren't going to change their minds about him after his first 18 months in office, they will never change their minds. His numbers have bottomed out. We are battling a fundamentalist cult who practice willful ignorance and unconditional loyalty as articles of faith. This is not hyperbole. His followers truly believe in his transcendent qualitiies.

I want to believe in November but the air seems to be leaving the tea party balloon. I hope I am wrong.

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