Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How I Changed My Stance on Illegal Immigration

1. 9/11.

2. Obamacare.

3. Voter fraud.

Understand, I was always sympathetic to illegal immigrants who came here to WORK. Then 9/11 hit and I realized we had to tighten our borders. If nothing else, we had to scrutinize the high risk groups (Not that I am profiling. Nosiree. Profile? Not me. Does this look like the face of a profiler? A cold-blooded killer, maybe. But a profiler? Never.) Still, I was not particularly concerned about most illegals from most places.

The Cato Institute produced an interesting report that said in essence, "Tighten the welfare state, not the borders." It reflected my viewpoint, more or less. Those who are here to work should be treated differently from those who are here to secure public housing in say, Boston.

But the ever-expanding welfare state, especially post-Obamacare, has caused me to reevaluate my position. The Guatemalan roofer and the Slavic janitor take on a different appearance when the viewer is obligated to pick up the tab for what might ail them. The noble worker morphs into a sleazy beggar. 20 million or so sleazy beggars!

Obamacare is flawed enough and expensive enough without adding tens of millions of new recipients. I quoted the figure of 20 million above but it could be more than that. And if the millions who are already here are given amnesty and citizenship, millions of their relatives will follow with their begging bowls extended.

As if Obamacare was not sufficiently flawed, especially as pertains to cost, it is even more flawed when we add tens of millions. "Everything free in America." They win. We lose.

Finally, there is the ongoing problem of voter fraud. In the interest of fairness, this website has displayed examples of GOP voter fraud. But truthfully, most voter fraud is committed by Democrats. Why else would they work so hard to insure that people could vote without showing valid identification? If illegal aliens are not voting it is because they are apathetic. Should they wish to be civic-minded, the opportunities are plentiful. Without sufficient safeguards installed--and they have not been installed--illegal immigrants can literally take over our country one seat at a time.

Tighten the welfare state or tighten the borders? The former necessitates the latter and once more this formerly neutral-as-Switzerland writer finds himself aligned with the conservatives. Once more, the Obots have created a gulf within our country. Once more, the ballyhooed unifier has staked his claim as the most polarizing figure this country has ever seen. Let us hope for change.

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