Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wildcard Wednesday: Philip Berg

The editor has avoided this subject for a long time. I feel strongly that one should hold truth or probable truth before passing along a story. Real life doesn't always work that way but we don't have to behave like the MSM and string along anonymous sources to compile a story that we know to be false.

Of course, some stories, true or otherwise, take on a life of their own. Barack Obama's citizenship has taken on a life of its own. Is he or isn't he? I don't know. But secrecy generates suspicion and Obama is anything but transparent. Seven months into his his presidency, we know very little about Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, we know more about Joe the Plumber than we do Barack Obama. Yes, we know more about Palin's children than we do Barack Obama. Who is he?

Subterfuge surrounds Barack Obama's every action. He talks about transparency but he never seems to put his cards on the table. From cheesy stagecraft to empty slogans to polished double talk, we are tempted to fill in the blanks and color the background any way we please. Cultists don't care about his hidden agenda. The rest of us do care. The rest of us are biting our nails and asking ourselves, who is this guy? What does he want?

Obama could have squelched suspicions just by being forthright, open and honest. Instead, he is chronically and deliberately slippery. He might be President of the United States but he never passed the smell test. Something is wrong with the picture.

Enter the Birthers. The Birthers have become a cottage industry. Leading the pack is Philip Berg. He is smart, he is tenacious, he is a patriot, he is a Democrat. Hillary might have been appeased but that is not to say that her people were appeased. Some of them took Obama's antics personally. They still do, so it seems.

I don't know how this will end. But as long as there is an absence of transparency, suspicions will snowball. Maybe the birthers are nutty. Maybe. But they are not fading away. Check out Philip Berg's site.

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