Friday, July 31, 2009

Fraudulent Friday: Dubious Citizenship Takes On A Life Of Its Own

My editorial position is similar to Lou Dobbs' editorial position. What we are perceiving is a predictable backlash against patterns of deception and secrecy. Obama has never been intellectally honest. His motives and values are always a mystery. There are more questions than answers in his health care plan. There are more questions than answers in his cap and trade bill. There always seems to be a last minute change and a lot of unforseen detail. Mr. Transparency might be remembered as the Fine Print President.

Obama's campaign was based on empty slogans like 'hope' and "change" and "spread around the wealth." The slogans galvanized the cultish but did not win over skeptics. There was a deliberate anti-intellectualism that masked itself as pseudo-intellectualism. Mr. Harvard Law School talks in sound bites. Now, in the words of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the chickens have come home to roost.

Obama's presidency is not yet eight months old and he already has a growing credibility program. The antidote is full disclosure. Release Obama's records. All of them. Student records, passport records, records from Indonesia and wherever else he has left a paper trail. Tell us your true objectives about health care, taxation, cap and trade and America's place in the world.

Eight months into the presidency, we still know more about Joe the Plumber than we do Barack Obama.

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