Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Would Reagan Do?

He would run a deficit every single year. Every single year! In all 8 Reagan years (1981-1988) our country ran huge deficits. There is much to say for Ronald Reagan but it is inaccurate to promote him as some sort of fiscal conservative. Social conservative? Yes. Fiscal conservative? No.

The myths surrounding Reagan and Republicans are topics I hope to revisit from time to time. These topics include:

1. Reagan's true fiscal legacy.
2. The cultish aspects of Reagan followers. They are not as flamboyant or as stupid as the Obotamicized but their memories are viewed through the lens of Reagan-colored glasses.
3. Yes, Reagan had an easy act to follow. Actually he had four easy acts to follow. Carter/Ford/Nixon/LBJ. Name four presidents who lost control of the office. In matters fiscal and otherwise, Reagan looked good by comparison.
4. The incompatibility of fiscal conservatism and social conservatism.
5. Bush 43's witting or unwitting role in launching Obamanation.
6. The hubris of the GOP.
7. The hubris of the Democrats.
8. The pain and sacrifice of fiscal sanity.
9. Economics: The original inconvenient truth.
10. What are the consequences of continued fiscal recklessness?

The webmeister will not back off from his position that Obama is dangerous and reckless. He will not back off from his position that the Obotamies are a cult of willful stupidity. He will continue to point out the flaws in Barack Obama because it is so damn easy, and because professional journalists refuse to do their job.

But Republicans and the vanishing breed of Common Sense Democrats have to face up to reality. The solution to fiscal recklessness is not "deficit lite." No, it is finding leaders who have the judgment and the resolve to say "No." We need to recruit humble leaders who can balance a checkbook and stand up to special interest groups. Then and only then will we have change we can believe in. Yes we can!

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