Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The State of the Press

We don't always recognize significant events as they unfold. We might have missed another watershed moment. Recently the champions who are the University of Connecticut basketball team visited the White House. Obama's staff blocked out the media and shot and cut and released the White House version of this photo op.

In an earlier commentary I implored all unsanctioned politicians to boycott the mainstream media. Ironically, Obama, the sanctioned diety of the press, the political figure least in need of his own media outlet and the least likely politician to break new ground, has broken new ground. Amazing.

There is the immediate concern of ruffling the feathers of the fourth estate. If Obama continues to bypass them, he will quickly learn that the gentle peacock can spew more venom than the mild mannered fox. But then again, Obama chose a fluff event to snub the media. Maybe it was a calculated warning. A reminder that the little people who made this all possible are, after all, little people. Let them eat sound bites.

But there is an issue of larger significance than the feelings of has beens. The media boycott has begun. The first shot has been fired and it has been fired by the general against his own troops. Jimmy Olsen is running scared and Superman might not be able to save his favorite sissy boy. And does Superman really need his friend's refined oral skills any more? I guess we'll have to buy the next issue.

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