Friday, May 29, 2009

MSNBC Admits to "Free Ride" for Obama

We are approaching five months of the Obama Administration and Obama has yet to be "vetted." We know very little about this guy and the media want to keep it that way.

This cut is interesting for a number of reasons. The legendary Mike Barnicle makes an appearance at 3:57. Just to review his qualifications for MSM apologist, he was removed from "The Boston Globe" for recycling columns, plagiarizing columns and ultimately for fabricating news. He hit the trifecta.

Barnicle deserves a column, if not a website all to himself. Bulletproof Barnicle has always been a cheerleader for the Democrats, let facts be damned. Does that have anyhting to do with his unsinkable career? And yet, dishonest people can be very revealing. His "instinct" comment at 4:38 is jarring. It explains so much about Barnicle, MSM and Obama supporters. Instinct.

Also noteworthy is Harwood's lawyeristic explanations. Why not just take the fifth?


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