Friday, May 8, 2009

First Three Dot Column

Media is plural of medium. I am no liguist but I cringe when people use it as a singular noun...Double cringe when they say medias...Maximum respect to Chairman Barney Frank for re-opening online poker possibilities. The setback of the online poker industry shows us what a bunch of phonies the Republicans really are. All that chatter about smaller government and personal freedom. Just chatter...Memo to Fourth Estate: As Mexican drug narco-violence moves north please refrain from assigning even a shred of blame to the prohibitionists. We can always count on you...Would you kiss Obama's backside for $5,000,000? If you said yes, you would undercut Keith Olbermann by a third...Am I the only fan who wants waterboarding to be elevated to an Olympic Event? Where is our sport's Michael Phelps? We could bring Madden out of retirement for the color commentary. Hey, it beats diving...Speaking of the Olympics,if Chicago gets the berth, will dead people vote in gymnastic events?...Tony Rezko was moved to an undisclosed Chicago jail that was more to his liking in February. The fact that he awaits sentencing in relative comfort suggests he is singing to the Feds. I doubt if Patti Blagojevich is the only recipient of largesse who has trouble sleeping these days...Has anyone else sent a resume to the Chicago hospital with the flexible attendance policy that paid Michelle Obama $300k+? What do you mean they eliminated the position?...What brand does Obama smoke? If you said Newport, you might be a racial profiler...Speaking of the evil leaf, don't you think Obama could win over the NASCAR crowd if he switched from smoke to chew? Run it by Axelrod...Is Bill Clinton really going to fill Justice Souter's seat?...My sources tell me the Queen digs her Ipod...Has Obama announced which tea party he will attend on the 4th?

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